- Category: Outboard decals
- Hits: 4422
200/250/300 PRO 4-STROKE VERADO L6 (6 CYLINDER) - Cat.# 90-8M0052567
> Mercury Marine [Updated: Jun. 15, 2021] > Outboard > 4 Stroke > 300 HP Pro Verado 6 CYL > [1B830170 THRU 2B144122] - Cat.# 90-8M0052567
> Mercury Marine [Updated: Feb. 24, 2020] > Outboard > 4 Stroke > 250 PRO VERADO (4-STROKE)(6 CYL.) > [1B830170 THRU 2B144122] - Cat.# 90-8M0052567
8M0052576 TOP COWL ASSEMBLY Mercury
8M0033614 APPLIQUE Port, Mercury
8M0033615 APPLIQUE Starboard, Mercury
8M0052110 DECAL SET Mercury Pro Verado, Cowl Without Horsepower Decals
+8M0103041 DECAL SET MERCURY Verado Pro
8M0088739 DECAL, HORSEPOWER 200 PRO Top of Cowl
+8M0110609 DECAL - 200 TOP
8M0088740 DECAL, HORSEPOWER 200 PRO Rear of Cowl
+8M0110608 DECA L- 200 REAR
8M0051735 DECAL, HORSEPOWER 250 PRO Top of Cowl
+8M0051735 DECAL, HORSEPOWER 250 PRO Top of Cowl
8M0051737 DECAL, HORSEPOWER 250 PRO Rear of Cowl
+8M0110610 DECAL 250 REAR
8M0054242 DECAL, HORSEPOWER 300 PRO Top of Cowl
+8M0110613 DECAL - 300 PRO TOP
8M0054241 DECAL, HORSEPOWER 300 PRO 1 Rear of Cowl
+8M0110612 DECAL - 300 REAR
8M0024870 DECAL Mercury Verado Air Dam
Serial Number: 2B031838 - Model: 1251V13KD - Model Version: L
2006 MERCURY ME-250 L VER PRO 4S L6 4.8" 250 L
Model Number
Serial Number
HP 300 KW 221
LB 657 KG 298
Mercury Marine
Brunswick Corp.
Fond du Lac, WI 54935
Assembled in the USA from
US and foreign components
CE 0575 [12]
Serial Number: 1B940489 - Model: 1302V23ED - Model Version: XL 4
2011 MERCURY 4S VERADO PRO 4.8" 1.75 300 XL 4